Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it un-healthy to cut your finger nails down so no white is showing?

Yes, a little. Your fingernails are mostly there to protect the tips of your fingers and toes when they get smashed, bumped, stubbed, burned, cut, etc. That skin is delicate stuff!

If you clip them too far down, you may accidentally get into the cuticle, and get them infected.

So, keep them short, keep them clean, but try to keep a little white there.Is it un-healthy to cut your finger nails down so no white is showing?
I do it to!Is it un-healthy to cut your finger nails down so no white is showing?
No... just don't cut into the pink part or you risk infection from fungus. My sis does this to keep from biting them.
I do it. Nothing wrong here. I get annoyed when they grow back so fast.

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