Monday, December 28, 2009

Have you ever broke, smashed, or completely lost a finger or toe nail?

If you have, please, tell us about it...Have you ever broke, smashed, or completely lost a finger or toe nail?
my big toe nail fell off after it was broken after a friend 'accidentally' dropped a bowling ball on it.Have you ever broke, smashed, or completely lost a finger or toe nail?
yes. last summer I smashed my pinky toe into a door and it turned black and a few weeks later the nail came off. It was nasty, but thank goodness it grew back in. A few weeks ago, I dropped my iPod, in it's heavy black case, right on my big toenail, then my cellphone smashed into it and there is a big black spot in the middle, but so far no falling off of the nail. Yet.
I had to get my toenail partially cut off once when I got an infection and it was all painless, but it got infected again and I had a different doctor and he cut off the rest of the nail and it hurt like f***ing HELL for about four days straight after the anesthetic wore off. I'm amazed I even slept the first night with the pain.
I've had a finger nail and a toe nail come off before...

my thumb nail once came off cause i bite it down too far..

and my big toe nail once came off because a big roll of frozen meat fell out of the freezer on my toe.
Yes I lost a fingernail when I was 12, a car door was shut on my finger, the nail turned black and fell off a few days later, it was painful.
a toe at school. Everything was bloody and stuff :) It was broken...

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