Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What causes those little white specks in your finger nails?

anyone know?What causes those little white specks in your finger nails?
Calcium deposits.What causes those little white specks in your finger nails?
I believe they are calcium deposits.
Not enough of the right nutrition. Try vitamin B12.
Zinc deficiency. Every time a man has an orgasm, he loses zinc.
They are calcium deposits
Sometimes they are caused by an injury to the cuticle. As the nail grows out you see the scar.
I,ve been told that you get hit on the finger in the area where the nails start to grow and thats why the white spots when they appear
my grandma always tol' me thats how many people have a crush on you... but that cant be true. i think it has something to do with the amount of calcium or protein in your body... but im not sure

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